Naphrys Pulex is a unique species of jumping spider from the family Salticidae. Like other jumping spiders, the flea jumping spider is intelligent and has a lot of amazing things going for it. Besides their excellent vision, these jumping spider species are intelligent hunters and skilful jumpers who can take on both small and large prey with utmost precision.
If you’re interested in learning more about Naphrys Pulex and why they are such an incredible species of jumping spiders, you’re welcome to read further as we will be taking you through everything you need to know about Naphyrys Pulex.
What is the scientific name of Naphrys Pulex?
While many species of jumping spiders have a general name they go by, flea jumping spiders are scientifically called Naphrys Pulex. And just so you know, this spider is a native of a tribe called Europhryini and spread throughout the world. As a matter of fact, this jumping spider has almost four described species in North America alone.
And in case you’re as curious as we are, it will impress you to know that its genus name, Naphrys is a contraction for “North America Europhrys.”
Where is Naphrys Pulex from?
Are you interested in knowing where our brilliant spider friend is from? Then read on to learn more about Naphrys Pulex and their naturally occurring habitat.
To start with, our furry friend is widely distributed in Eastern North America and is mostly found in wooded areas down to the East Coast. And because they love the tall grass prairies found west of the Mississipi River, it isn’t uncommon to see them in this location.
As per habitat, our spider friend is quite common in mesic hardwood forests, rocky outcrops, walls, buildings, and tree barks. So, if you’re in this environment and looking to catch Naphrys Pulex, this is the place to look.
Description and size
When it comes to description, Naphrys Pulex has mostly been described as male. And from what we have discovered during our research, there is very little information about females.
Thankfully, the males are easy to identify, and that’s because of their unique characterizations. To start with, the males feature gray and black mottling just at the top of their cephalothorax, legs, and abdomen. Also, the striking orange coloration on the sides of their cephalothorax gives them away. So, if you’re looking to identify this jumping spider species, you should be looking out for these features.
Naphrys Pulex doesn’t measure up to some of the big jumping spiders out there in terms of size. And that’s because they only measure around 7 to 10 mm. But don’t be fooled by their small size as they are strong and intelligent hunters who can take on prey twice their size.
Also, their great vision means they can stalk and hunt prey with utmost precision.
Hunting behavior
Despite their size, Naphrys Pulex are great hunters who can fend for themselves in the wild. Thanks to their impeccable vision, our furry friends can stalk and capture their prey using their impressive jumping skills. Although they appear small in size, they aren’t scared of taking on large prey twice their size. In the wild, our spider friends feed on insects like flies, crickets, roaches, and even small grasshoppers.
Plus, their impressive vision and powerful jumping skills give them an edge over prey and predators. And because they can jump almost eight times their average body length, our leaper friends can evade predators.
What do they feed on?
When they are in the wild, our spider friends can take care of themselves, and that’s because of their extraordinary vision and impressive hunting skill. As agile hunters with enviable jumping skills, Naphrys Pulex can take on both small and large insects.
Although they like to eat roaches, mealworms, crickets, and other small insects, they particularly prefer flies; this explains why they are also referred to as flea jumping spiders. That said, when they are bred in captivity, they are almost unable to hunt for themselves. As such, you have to provide feeder insects for them. And that shouldn’t be a problem especially considering that these insects are available in pet stores close to you.
Although our spider friends can go a week without food, it’s best to feed them once every two to three days. Keep in mind that they don’t do very well with hard-shelled insects, large-sized prey, and ants, so ensure you don’t offer them to your spider friend.
What is their temperament?
One thing we love about Naphrys Pulex is their friendly nature. Sure, they are vicious hunters who can take out their prey with utmost precision; when it comes to humans, they appear friendly and gentle. This is the reason why exotic pet lovers want to keep them as pets.
But while they are friendly, they can also bite if handled roughly. So make sure you handle them with care, so you don’t end up with a painful bite.
Is it dangerous or venomous to humans?
Although spiders have earned a pretty bad reputation for themselves, jumping spiders, especially Naphrys Pulex, are here to change the narrative, and that’s because they are super friendly. And even though they are venomous, their venom isn’t harmful to humans.
Should you ever get bitten by Naphrys Pulex, the most you’ll experience is redness, irritations, and mild pain that subsides after a couple of days. And unless they feel threatened or provoked, they hardly ever bite.
Frequently asked questions
Can you keep Naphrys Pulex as pets?
Because they are friendly and not harmful to humans, you can raise them as pets. More so, they don’t eat very much, so managing them will not be a problem.
How often should you feed Naphrys Pulex?
If you plan on raising them in captivity, then you have to ensure they feed correctly. Thankfully, they don’t eat much, so feeding them once every two to three days is fine.
What is the average lifespan of Naphrys Pulex?
Jumping spiders like the Naphrys Pulex have a pretty short lifespan, and that’s because they live for only six months to one year.
When bred in captivity, they can survive for up to two years.