First described by Eugene Louis Simon in 1868, the Menemeurus is a brilliant genius of jumping spiders with a lot of physical description that differentiates them from many jumping spiders we have come across.
While they are very hairy, they are medium-sized jumping spiders that measure between 4 to 10 mm. They have a dominant flattened shape and a very hairy body with predominantly grayish hairs. Most jumping spider species that make up this genus feature white edges on their thorax. Thanks to their oval abdomen, which sometimes looks elongated or round, our leaper friends are easy to identify.
Stay with us as we take you through everything you need to know about the Menemerus jumping spiders and why they are so unique.
What is their scientific name?
Besides their physical attributes, which makes them easy to identify, jumping spiders are either recognized by their common name or scientific name. However, because the Menemerus is an extensive genus made up of different spider species, they don’t seem to have a common name they are called. That said, our leaper friends are scientifically referred to as the Menemerus jumping spiders.
Now that you know their scientific name, it’s time to take you through their physical description and size.
Physical description and size
The Menemrus jumping spider has so much going for it in terms of physical description and size. To start with, our leaper friend is a medium-sized jumping spider that measures between 4 and 10 mm.
While females of this species are slightly bigger and measure between 8.5 and 10 mm, males come in at around 4 and 7 mm. Besides their ovate abdomen, the Menemerus jumping spider has a pear-shaped head that is widest behind the posterior lateral eyes when viewed from above.
Their carapace looks a little low and flat. Plus, it features striking white bands along the edges. Because the pattern on their abdomen varies between sexes, it’s easy to identify this jumping spider species’ males and females.
Among the females, the brown stripes along the females’ sides look relatively narrow and consist of lateral edges. This can also extend as patterns almost to the dorsal midline. Besides, each of their chelicerae features a single retromarginal tooth as well as two promarginal teeth. And before we forget, their fourth pair of legs are the longest.
Adult males of this jumping spider have a palpal tibia with a single, sharp, and retro-lateral tibia apophysis. Similarly, their tegulum is rather long than wide. Also, it doesn’t have any marked proximal lobe.
Their thick and short embolus forms a clockwise and unique partial curve just on the distal edge of the tegulum. This is further accompanied by a mebranous filament.
Like their male counterparts, females of this jumping spider have their single epigynal atrium divided in two. Additionally, their copulatory openings feature sclerotized guides that open medially. Again, their convoluted insemination ducts are slightly anterior to their spermathecae. Plus, their spermathecae are a bit round and are located just within the margins of their artium.
Where do they come from?
If you know anything about jumping spiders, you’ll know that our leaper friends can thrive very well in any environment they find themselves in. That said, jumping spiders such as the Menemerus jumper is native to Africa.
Outside of Africa, the Menemerus jumping spider has been widely introduced. This explains their cosmopolitan distribution. In America, for instance, our spider friends have been sighted in Texas, California, Florida, and south of Paraguay. Also, they have been widely sighted in Colombia, the Caribbean islands, and Venezuela.
As per habitats, the Menemerus jumping spider likes to hang around man-made structures.
One thing most jumping spiders have in common is their sharp eyesight and impeccable jumping skills. With the Menemerus jumping spiders, these two features come alive.
Thanks to their fantastic jumping skills and brilliant eyesight, our furry friends can patiently stalk their prey and pounce on them with utmost precision.
As far as their food is concerned, the Menemerus jumping spider likes to feed on small and large insects alike. Our leaper friends will feast on mosquitoes, flies, butterflies, crickets, and even web-building spiders, along with their eggs in the wild.
However, if you decide to raise them in captivity, you’ll have to make sure they feed correctly. And to do this effectively, you’ll have to provide them with feeder insects you can either catch around your home or order from pets stores close to you.
What is their temperament?
A lot of people indeed get freaked out about spiders. But guess what? Jumping spiders such as the Menemurus jumping spiders are changing the narratives and perception about spiders. And that’s all thanks to their friendly nature.
While they tend to be aggressive towards their prey, they are generally friendly when they encounter humans.
And except they feel threatened, our leaper friends will remain largely calm, friendly, and collected.
Is it dangerous or venomous to humans?
Even though the Menamerus jumping spider is friendly and will shy away when it encounters humans, they have a potent venom that will incapacitate their prey.
The only exciting thing is that their venom isn’t harmful to humans. So, should you suffer a bite from our spider friend, you’ll only notice slight pains, redness, and irritations that subsides after a couple of days,
And except you are allergic to spider bites, you’ve nothing to worry about.
Frequently asked questions
Do they do well in captivity?
Because jumping spiders cope very well in any environment, they find themselves; they can be raised in captivity without any hassle. Just make sure you feed them correctly, and you’ll not have any problem.
How often do they eat?
Jumping spiders don’t eat very much and can even go a whole week without food. That said, to ensure they don’t starve, you can feed your spider friends every couple of days.
How big can they get?
While they aren’t the biggest spiders we have come across, they aren’t small either. Generally, the Menemerus jumping spider measures between 4 to 10 mm in length.